
Dark Room

So I took all my photos on the SLR Film Camera. It was good fun, not difficult at all and I was surprised at how quickly i went through a role of film.

We got a great intro to the Darkroom and so on the second week of the project I immediately started. I first processed my film role which was fairly difficult because I had to open the role in the pitch dark in a little room but i managed in the end.

I then made my contact sheet and selected the photos that I liked best and suited my concept. My concept by the way was ground and road patterns. I had to test filters and how long to expose my negitives to make my pictures develope right!



Assignment 2!

‘In his now famous essay ‘The work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’ (1936), Walter Benjamin discussed how the camera was the perfect medium for urban spaces, allowing the photographer to walk the streets, choosing what to capture and what to leave, slowing the world down by purposely stopping and clicking as the world rushed by.  This stopping and clicking, followed by the equally important photographic processes of editing and sequencing, could give order and structure to an ever changing and modernizing world.’

Bright, Susan, Art Photography Now, Thames and Hudson 2005

So our second assignment was to produce 5 black and white photos that had the theme of urban. The thing was we had to use SLR Film Camera and the process and develope the film in the dark room! This was extremely exciting for me! I couldn't wait to get stuck into the project.

The first thing I did was take prep photos with my normal camera. I started to focus on ground and road patterns particularly.



Guess what!?

I got into photography! YES!

We started off the course easily and enjoyable. Our first assignment was to put together a power point present presentation of photos about myself. Basically an icebreaker project for the new group.

On Monday after lunch we went to the Limerick City Gallery of Art. We saw a screening of Charlie Chaplan's Modern Times and then we were given a talk after about it by artist Mark Curran. It was soooo enjoyable  great start to the course besides the fact we had to walk in the cold to the gallery.

I was missing friday for the actual presenting of our assignment 1 because of my sisters confirmation but i'll post it up here later :)


Research for Typograghy!

These are the typograghy I found that I really liked.
Alexandra Antunes
 Astri Reidl Smeplass
 The next five are by Ji Lee.

 Jeremy Pettis

Vis Com Elective!

So started Visual Communication last week. I got the word "Bind". Last week we had to communicate the word in illustrations. I haven't taken photos of my work on that yet so I'll talk about this week instead.

This week we started Typograghy. I think I'm enjoying it more than the Illustrations. Heres my work so far...
We were given these by one of our tutors.
 I used the sheets to trace and get use to some fonts and to experiment.
Free hand experimenting.

 Now i have gone onto 3D pieces. I'm going to print these out and see how they look. I only used my phone for these so i'll take proper photos later.
 I used wire to make these.


Second Elective: Print

So it's the second day of print and I'm really enjoying it so far.

We got the brief on friday. The theme is "urban". We were asked to bring 10 photos in for Monday morning. As we only had a weekend to take 10 urban photos, that would work for print, I was pretty freaked by the lack of time but I managed. I took all my photos while waiting an hour at the bus station in Cork City on friday evening. I didn't realize at the time but i had taken over 10 photos. All I had to do then was pick the ones i preferred the most.

When we came in on monday we met Des our tutor for the next two weeks. We put up our photos and went down to the print room for a demonstration. We saw dry-prints and mono-prints, hopefully i'm calling them the right names.

Today i started my first dry-print. I am starting off with a basic print so i can get the hang of using the materials such as scribes, acetate, printing press, inks...

This is my favourite photo!