
Art Book!

Got a new art book! eeeeh, I love these! This one will be great for research I think! It's called "Modern Vintage Illustration" by Martin Dawber and the foreword is by Stephen Bayley. 

Heres some photos of the cover and inside! ^_^
The Cover!

Morfologia de un Sueno by Javier Eduardo Piragauta Mora.

New Black by Matt W Moore


Richard Long

This artist reminded me of my photos i took of tree stumps and vines. This artist works on Land Art. It inspired me to work more with the outside world to create pieces with organic materials. Jaakko Pernu was also revisited because he worked with Land Art.

 This piece is not one of his land pieces but I really liked it. It's a sketch of rocks but it doesn't look like that.



Brooks Shane Salzwedel

This artist inspired me to take pictures of reflections on water. More on them soon! One of his pieces in perticular caught my eye because it was called "Reflection". It reminded me of a reflection in water.




 "Bridge Built" 



So i got two new sketchbooks! One is cute and small, perfect for carrying qaround in my handbag! :)

Small one!

This is the bigger one!


Jaakko Pernu

This artist makes a lot of land art with organic materials in large scales! His work is amazing. I love how there is a lot of vine/branches so the piece looks very maze like!


Using my 3D pieces in my Photos!

So i decided to use my 3D piece this....
in my photograpghy. Because it has slits and spaces to see through it was great for taking very unusual looking photos. The normal space is transformed to a very mind-boggling view. I think some of the photos turned out lovely! :)

I took them from all different angles and as you can see i took loads!