
More Joiners!

Heres the joiners i've made recently! I love making these, so much fun coming up with new ways of changeing the picture to make it like an illusion!

Richard Serra inspired sculpture piece!

So I made a sculpture piece. At the start i wasn't sure of the pattern i'd use but then i decided to do a Triskele pattern, my favourite! I'm going to make more clay pieces soon!

 I took close up photos to show the how the space ahead is a mystery until you turn the corner.

Tom Shannon inspired work!

So I made this small piece that was inspired by Tom Shannon and Nike Savvas. When i was having my progress review, my tutor advised with to make more pieces like this. I'm gonna collect some beads and see what I can do! :)

Pretty Photo!

So i took this photo on a walk in my lovely home of west cork. I think it seserves it's very own post (hehe, naughty of me). I just love it!



So I've been taking photos of my surroundings to use when I change and manipulate the picture/space. i've also been taking photos that I don't want to change because they already look confusing to the eye. Here are some of them.



I've also started taking photos of paths. I'm thinking of changing these into a maze but i'm not sure yet! :)


Tom Shannon

I found Tom Shannon's work on a tumblr account i'm following. I think his "Colour Compass Atoms" are very interesting. They force you to move around them.

Colour Compass Atoms by Tom Shannon.
I also found Nike Savvas who has very similar work to Tom Shannon. This piece of his is called "Atomic- Full of Love, Full of Wonder".
Atomic- Full of Love, Full of Wonder by Nike Savvas.
Here is the link of his exhibition, http://www.roslynoxley9.com.au/artists/35/Nike_Savvas/491/.


Changing a space!

So i went back to photography and took photos of spaces again. I decided i wanted to change the space so the viewer would be confused. I decided to cut photos of spaces into strips and then mess around to make the space look different. This are two of the pieces I've made so far. i'm also gonna develope and make more of these!


David Hockney

I found David Hockney a while ago and really really liked his work with photograghs. They are like an illusion but very beautiful! :)





So this week i'm looking at how images confuse us. I've been working on drawing that either draw us in or loose us.

I've also been working with acetates, I've been layering them and drawing a particular drawing on each of them. Each drawing is larger then the other creating an almost 3D effect. I'm gonna work more on this to make a bigger 3D effect! This is it. >

I've also been working on a small painting of a spiral wall! ^_^ That is also to come!

So in are some of my experiments :)



Mathew Borrett!
Ifound this artist's work to look a lot like a maze. I think it links in with my work a lot!

Lightning + Kinglyface!
I think their work, who are Anna Fulmine and Victoria Shahrokh, are very linked to mine. Iwas looking at their project called "Penelopiall".